sxxk1ttn wrote in dot_poly_snark Apr 13, 2011 23:02
too crazy - didn't read, tl;dr, alphabet soup
twisted_times wrote in dot_poly_snark Apr 26, 2010 16:22
what's the rush?, attention whoring, *headdesk*, flounce, tl;dr, wtf?, angry poster is angry, people broken - add more relationships, refers to partners as "a" "b" "c" zzzzzz, trainwreck poly, not your personal journal, polyamory is not your personal lj, too crazy - didn't read, relationship broken - add more people, fail., alphabet soup
theravenflower wrote in dot_poly_snark Jan 14, 2009 21:52
asks for advice - argues with responses, canned meat product, *headdesk*, attention whoring, wtf?, vogon poetry, childish adults, repeat offender, commenter's personal issues interfering, do they speak english in what?, not your personal journal, trainwreck poly, clupervious, too crazy - didn't read, triad
sxxk1ttn wrote in dot_poly_snark Nov 29, 2008 13:17
not sleeping with this one, this is poly how?, childish adults, poly-mono angstifying, too good not to snark, take your meds poly, the reason society thinks we're freaks, broad-spectrum snarkage, attention whoring, people broken - add more relationships, ls_anangel, repeat offenders, omgstfu!!, trainwreck poly, not your personal journal, relationship broken - add more people, too crazy - didn't read, poly means many bad relationships, triad
maestrodog wrote in dot_poly_snark Sep 16, 2008 08:43
ls_anangel, the reason society thinks we're freaks, too crazy - didn't read, snarks itself
luna_torquill wrote in dot_poly_snark Jan 12, 2008 14:44
attention whoring, polyamory is not your personal lj, private war public place, too crazy - didn't read, tl;dr
tisiphone wrote in dot_poly_snark Jan 07, 2008 20:12
asks for advice - argues with responses, take your meds poly, the only common element..., i hart bad speling n gramur n omgstfu, vogon poetry by proxy, too crazy - didn't read, tl;dr
ladydreamtime wrote in dot_poly_snark Jun 20, 2007 08:19
sexism, too crazy - didn't read, tl;dr
evaleastaristev wrote in dot_poly_snark Sep 19, 2006 12:26
too crazy - didn't read, tl;dr, snarks itself
red_girl_42 wrote in dot_poly_snark Aug 15, 2006 21:32
take your meds poly, too crazy - didn't read, snarks itself